
Best of Nepal Tour

13 Days
  • Tour
  • Kathmandu
  • Guided Tour
  • 3 Stars Hotels
  • Private Vehicle
  • BB during the Tour
  • All Season
  • Include
  • English, Chines, French, Germany, Spanish, Italian


Best of Nepal Tour featuring the enchanting destinations of Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, and Lumbini offers an unparalleled travel experience, combining the best of what Nepal has to offer. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of this captivating country as you explore the UNESCO-enlisted cultural sites in Kathmandu, which serve as a testament to its historical significance.

Commence on a remarkable journey through time as you marvel at the majestic structures that have stood the test of time. A visit to the sacred Pashupatinath Temple presents an opportunity to witness the intricately performed rituals dedicated to Hindu deities, including the awe-inspiring cremation ceremony. Foster a deep sense of spirituality as you witness the ethereal sight of prayer flags fluttering and prayer wheels spinning at the renowned Boudhanath.

Next, venture into the breathtaking natural wonders of Pokhara, where the majestic Annapurna range creates an awe-inspiring backdrop. Experience the tranquility of the serene Phewa Lake as you cruise its pristine waters and soak in the panoramic views. Admire the ethereal postcard-like scenes of cascading waterfalls, lush forests, and crystal-clear streams. Engage in adrenaline-pumping activities such as paragliding or embark on a refreshing hike to experience the region’s pristine beauty up close.

Journey further to the exotic wilderness of Chitwan, where the diverse wildlife resources await your exploration. Encounter the majestic creatures that inhabit the Chitwan National Park, such as the elusive Bengal tiger, one-horned rhinoceros, and various bird species. Engage in thrilling jungle safaris, guided walks, and canoe rides to appreciate the richness of this bio-diverse haven.

As you make your way to Palpa, be prepared to be transported back to the medieval era. This historical town is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, narrow cobbled streets, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Take strolls through the winding alleys, visit ancient palaces and temples, and witness breathtaking sunsets from the famous Tansen Durbar.

Finally, culminate your tour in Pokhara, a picturesque paradise known for its azure lakes, cascading waterfalls, and proximity to the Annapurna mountain range. Embark on an adrenaline-pumping adventure with paragliding, and zip-lining, or embark on a peaceful boat ride across the serene Phewa Lake.

In summary, the “Kathmandu-Chitwan-Lumbini-Palpa and Pokhara Tour” offers the best of Nepal’s cultural, spiritual, and natural wonders. Embark on this journey and create everlasting memories as you immerse yourself in the magic that this beautiful country has to offer.


Upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, our office representative will be at the airport to warmly welcome you. Transfer and check in to hotel.

After settling into your hotel, you may choose to explore the vibrant streets of Thamel, the tourist hub of Kathmandu. Known for its bustling markets, artisanal shops, and charming cafes, Thamel is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Over Night at Kathmandu.

Our Tour starts from Kathmandu and unfurls its cultural tapestry before us, promising a day of enchantment amidst ancient temples, resplendent palaces, and vibrant marketplaces. The city, celebrated for its opulent heritage, beckons us to explore its iconic landmarks and delve into the mystical allure that defines its charm.

Journey begins at the celestial Pashupatinath Temple, an architectural masterpiece on the sacred banks of the Bagmati River, dedicated to Lord Shiva. Intricate carvings, ornate pagodas, and vibrant ashrams immerse us in the rich tapestry of Hindu traditions and beliefs. The journey continues to the majestic Boudhanath Stupa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where Tibetan and Nepali architecture converge in a meditative ambiance. Devotees engaged in ritualistic prayers and fluttering prayer flags create an atmosphere of tranquility and spiritual resonance.

The revered Swayambhunath Temple, perched atop a hill, reveals breathtaking views of the Kathmandu Valley, with its ornate architecture and playful monkeys adding to its allure. Afternoon unfolds Kathmandu Durbar Square, with its palaces, courtyards, and temples reflecting the architectural brilliance of Nepali kings. As the day transitions into the evening, we return to our hotel with minds aglow with awe, hearts inspired, and a profound appreciation for the cultural mosaic that makes Kathmandu a city like no other. The memories forged during this full-day spectacle resonate, leaving an indelible mark on our journey through Nepal.

Third day, we dive into the captivating heritage of Bhaktapur and Patan. Bhaktapur, the "City of Devotees," unfolds its medieval charm with red-brick architecture at the UNESCO-listed Bhaktapur Durbar Square. Our exploration includes the 55 Window Palace and the Nyatapola Temple, while a visit to Pottery Square immerses us in the age-old craft's rhythmic artistry.

Patan, known as "The City of Fine Arts," awaits 7 kilometers south of Kathmandu, boasting a fusion of Hindu and Buddhist monuments. At the UNESCO-designated Patan Durbar Square, we marvel at the Krishna Temple and Golden Temple, reflecting the city's rich cultural tapestry. The day concludes with a glimpse into Patan's metalwork at the Industrial Estate, where artisans craft exquisite sculptures, jewelry, and decorative items. Our profound appreciation for Nepal's cultural heritage deepens, setting the stage for tomorrow's exploration of Pokhara's natural beauty and serene lakes.

Today, we bid adieu to Kathmandu and set forth on a picturesque journey to Chitwan National Park, a southern sanctuary celebrated for its lush landscapes and diverse wildlife. The day commences with an early morning departure, guiding us through the serene Nepalese countryside adorned with terraced rice fields and quaint villages. The 5-6-hour drive unfolds as an adventure itself, navigating winding mountain roads and riverside stretches. Approaching Chitwan, the dense forests of the Terai region welcome us, a prelude to the park's UNESCO World Heritage Site status and its reputation as one of Asia's most biodiversity locales.

Upon reaching our strategically located accommodation, we indulge in a delicious lunch before embarking on the highlight of the day—an immersive jungle safari. Guided through Chitwan National Park's varied ecosystems, we traverse dense forests, vast grasslands, and serene wetlands, encountering the rare one-horned rhinoceros, Royal Bengal tigers, elephants, crocodiles, and a myriad of bird species. Our guide unveils the delicate interplay between flora and fauna, offering insights into the conservation efforts preserving this extraordinary biodiversity.

Post-safari, the evening unfolds with a cultural immersion through traditional Tharu dance, followed by a flavorsome Nepalese dinner. As the day concludes, a profound sense of awe lingers, leaving an indelible mark on our journey through Chitwan's natural wonders and cultural richness.

The fifth day of the captivating Tour immerses us in the heart of Chitwan National Park, promising a day teeming with thrilling jungle activities and a deep connection to the park's natural wonders. The morning begins with an early wake-up call, guiding us to an observation tower for a mesmerizing sunrise over the vast national park, accompanied by the symphony of awakening wildlife.

Following a hearty breakfast, our adventure kicks off with A tranquil canoe ride along the Rapti River offers a serene perspective on Chitwan's aquatic life, with our guide sharing tales of the river's significance for both humans and wildlife. Nature (jungle) walk, led by professional naturalists who unveil the secrets of Chitwan's biodiversity and conservation efforts. Encounters with wild cats, deer, and playful monkeys along the narrow trails underscore the untamed beauty of the park, complemented by distant roars of Bengal tigers.

Post-walk, a rejuvenating lunch at hotel, afternoon's explorations. Short rest at Hotel and after 2 pm start a Jeep Safari or Elephant back safari (optional) As the sun sets, explore Tharu village, providing a glimpse into their vibrant culture, traditional dances, and ancient practices. Retiring for the night, the echoes of the jungle linger, imprinting memories of a day spent in awe of Chitwan's natural paradise. Tomorrow, our journey unfolds toward new horizons, carrying with us the enchantment of this bio-diverse haven.

On the sixth day, we board a transformative journey to Lumbini, a sacred pilgrimage site nestled in the Terai plains of southwestern Nepal. The day unfolds with an early start, guiding us through picturesque landscapes of rolling hills, quaint villages, and terraced fields, while our knowledgeable guide weaves tales of local culture, history, and traditions, enriching our connection to this enchanting land.

our way to the sacred pilgrimage site of Lumbini, aptly described as a place of immense tranquility and spiritual allure. Our guide gives a briefing on the rich history and cultural significance of Lumbini. We are greeted by the soothing sound of Buddhist chants resonating in the air, further enhancing the serene atmosphere that surrounds us.

The first stop on our sightseeing journey is the Maya Devi Temple, a revered religious site that marks the exact spot where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha Gautam, who later became the Buddha. The temple complex exemplifies the sacred nature of Lumbini, with intricately carved stone pillars and beautiful ancient artwork adorning its walls. We take a moment to reflect and soak in the energy of this historical landmark, recognizing the significance of this holy place in the lives of millions of Buddhists worldwide.

Next, we visit the Ashokan Pillar, an impressive monument that stands tall as a testament to Emperor Ashoka's reverence for Lumbini. The pillar, erected by Emperor Ashoka himself in 249 BC, is inscribed with his proclamations and dedications to the Buddha's birthplace. This magnificent structure stands as evidence of the ancient ties between Buddhism and the emperors of the Mauryan dynasty.

Our day begins early as we make our way to the sacred pilgrimage site of Lumbini, aptly described as a place of immense tranquility and spiritual allure. Our knowledgeable local guide greets us, introducing us to the rich history and cultural significance of Lumbini. As we approach the entrance, we are greeted by the soothing sound of Buddhist chants resonating in the air, further enhancing the serene atmosphere that surrounds us.

The first stop on our sightseeing journey is the Maya Devi Temple, a revered religious site that marks the exact spot where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha Gautam, who later became the Buddha. The temple complex exemplifies the sacred nature of Lumbini, with intricately carved stone pillars and beautiful ancient artwork adorning its walls. We take a moment to reflect and soak in the energy of this historical landmark, recognizing the significance of this holy place in the lives of millions of Buddhists worldwide.

Next, we visit the Ashokan Pillar, an impressive monument that stands tall as a testament to Emperor Ashoka's reverence for Lumbini. The pillar, erected by Emperor Ashoka himself in 249 BC, is inscribed with his proclamations and dedications to the Buddha's birthplace. This magnificent structure stands as evidence of the ancient ties between Buddhism and the emperors of the Mauryan dynasty. Our guide then takes us to the Lumbini Museum, where we delve deeper into the historical and archaeological aspects of this holy site. The museum houses a remarkable collection of artifacts, sculptures, and relics dating back to the ancient days of Lumbini. From ancient stone carvings to Buddha statues of diverse origins, the exhibits offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Seventh day, we drive to palpa from the city of peace Lumbini, setting our sights on the timeless town of Palpa. The day unfolds with a captivating drive through Nepal's picturesque landscapes, unveiling a genuine tapestry of natural beauty and cultural richness. From lush green fields to charming rural villages, the ever-changing panorama outside our windows offers a glimpse into the authentic lives of the locals, creating a connection to the heart of Nepali culture.

As we head to Palpa, perched gracefully on Shreenagar Hill, an aura of tranquility surrounds us. Tansen Bazaar, the vibrant heart of Palpa, we explore its bustling alleys adorned with traditional handicraft shops and local spices. The bazaar's lively atmosphere, coupled with the spiritual grandeur of the Amar Narayan Temple, leaves an indelible mark on our senses.

Our odyssey through Palpa continues with a visit to the historic Palpa Durbar, where intricately carved windows and ornate palaces showcase the grandeur of the Shah Dynasty rulers. A stroll along the charming streets unveils traditional Newari houses and vibrant murals, allowing us to absorb the simplicity and authenticity of Nepali life. As the day gracefully concludes, we bid adieu to Palpa, carrying with us the vivid memories that embody Nepal's rich cultural heritage.

We start our day early in the morning, fueled with anticipation for the scenic drive that lies ahead. The road to Pokhara winds through picturesque landscapes, taking us through terraced fields, charming rural villages, and lush green hills. Our day commences with an early start, fueling our excitement for the picturesque drive ahead. As we traverse through terraced fields and charming villages along the ever-changing landscapes, including the cascading waterfalls, unfold as a visual spectacle, captivating our senses throughout the approximately 6 to 7-hour journey. We visit Pease pagoda en rout to Pokhara. Perched atop a hill, this spiritual haven offers panoramic views of the Pokhara Valley, fostering introspection and rejuvenation in its serene atmosphere.

Upon our arrival in Pokhara, the tranquil Phewa Lake unfolds against the backdrop of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, creating an immediate sense of serenity. Perched atop a hill, this spiritual haven offers panoramic views of the Pokhara Valley, fostering introspection and rejuvenation in its serene atmosphere.

To conclude our day, the bustling Lakeside Street invites us to soak in its vibrant atmosphere, offering opportunities for souvenir shopping, local culinary delights, and immersion in the lively ambiance. As night falls, reflections on the day's wonders leave us with a profound appreciation for Pokhara, setting the stage for the upcoming adventures on our Tour.

We kickstart the day with a picturesque drive to Phedi, setting the stage for another day of soft adventures. Beginning our day with an early morning departure, we enjoyed a wholesome breakfast before embarking on a scenic drive toward Phedi, situated at an altitude of approximately 1,130 meters. The diverse terrains unfolded before us as we navigated winding roads through dense forests, with the mighty Annapurna and Machapuchare mountains adding grandeur to our adventure.

Upon reaching Phedi, we start hiking to the Australian Camp, situated at an altitude of approximately 2,060 meters. The trek unfolded through picturesque trails adorned with colorful rhododendron forests, providing a soothing backdrop of nature's melody. As we ascended from Phedi, the landscape gradually revealed the magnificent panorama of the Annapurna range, the Dhaulagiri range, and the iconic Machapuchare Mountain.

Australian Camp, our destination for the day, offered a mesmerizing panoramic view, allowing us to relish the beauty until the sun set upon the breathtaking landscape. Here, we found not only a comfortable campsite but also an opportunity to connect with fellow trekkers, exchanging stories of our adventures and reflecting on our incredible journey thus far. With our souls enriched by nature's abundance, we eagerly anticipate the adventures that lie ahead in the following days of this unforgettable expedition.

After a serene night in the Australian camp, the 11th day unfolds with a leisurely exploration of this beautiful village. Wandering through narrow lanes, we immerse ourselves in the local culture, exchanging smiles and stories with the hospitable residents. Australian camp's unique charm, with its stunning mountain vistas and cultural richness, creates lasting memories that linger as we bid farewell to this Himalayan haven. Afternoon, you enjoy the sightseeing at Pokhara. The evening in Pokhara unfolds with the freedom to explore Lakeside Street, indulge in local delights, and relish the breathtaking views. This marks the culmination of your Nepal Tour, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment and a trove of cherished memories from the heart of Nepal.

Today you will drive back to Kathmandu packing all your stuff as well as memories from the trip. The rest of the time you can hang around the streets of Thamel. You can do some shopping for souvenirs.

As your transformative religious tour concludes, bid farewell to Nepal with a heart filled with divine experiences. Our team ensures a smooth departure, leaving you with cherished memories of this spiritual odyssey.

Cost Includes

  • Arrival Departure by Private Vehicle
  • 3 Star Hotel Accommodation at Kathmandu, Lumbini, Palpa and Pokhara on BB plan
  • All land transportation is arranging on Private Vehicle as Per the itinerary
  • All entrance fee for the heritage sites and other Monument
  • National Park Entry Fee
  • All local Government Charges Include
  • Professional Government certified English Speaking Tourist Guide during the tour.
  • Allowance and insurance for the Tourist guide.
  • All Jungle activities in Chitwan as per the itinerary.
  • Full Board Meals at Chitwan and Austrian Camp Only
  • Complementary Farwell Dinner at Typical Nepali Restaurant.

Cost Excludes

  • Travel insurance
  • Meals at Kathmandu, Lumbini, Palpa and Pokhara,
  • Personal expenses like shopping, Bar bill, and other
  • Trip extend due to unforce circumstance like Natural Disaster, Personal interested and so on.
  • Trip Cancelation Charges.
  • Tipping for the Guide and Driver

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Best of Nepal Tour
From $0
/ Adult
  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • No Booking Fees
  • Professional Local Guide